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Welcome to the Autumn edition of the Life Without Limits newsletter.

It’s at this time of year we start to think about all of the amazing work that has gone into supporting blind and partially sighted children, young people and families so far in 2024. Transformational work that wouldn’t have been possible without you.


In this edition, you’ll read about:

  • Our new CEO Julie, and how committed she is to supporting the children and young people we work with.
  • The activities you’ve helped us run, both in the Life without Limits Centre and online, as well sharing highlights from our in-person summer activities which ranged from canoeing to rock climbing!
  • Our Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) awards ceremony, celebrating amazing achievements
  • Hear from Talisha who, with her family, has used RSBC services funded by supporters like you to increase her confidence.
  • Our RSBC lottery, and how you can create a Will for free.
The front cover of the RSBC Autumn Newsletter. Featured on the front is An adorable little girl and her mum in a cuddle. Both are smiling at the camera. Behind them is a blurred background with autumn trees. In the top left corner text reads

Thank you for changing lives beyond recognition.

However you choose to support us, you are the beating heart behind so much of our life-changing work for blind children.


In this edition you will read about:

  • How you are improving blind children’s confidence and self esteem, through an incredible array of summer activities provided by the Live Life Go Further
  • Our amazing new Youth Forum Chair, Zenny and her ambitious plans for the future.
  • Our inspiring Dorton College Prizegiving ceremony.
  • Other ways you can support RSBC through our Life Without Limits Lottery.
  • And more.


Whether you donated your hard earned money, volunteered your valuable time or cheered RSBC on from the side-lines, your commitment to helping blind children thrive has made an unbelievable impact. I am living proof of that. Thank you on behalf of the blind and partially sighted children, young people and families you help support.

Make a difference.

Make a contribution.


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