

Latest News 28.03.25

Mother’s Day: our CEO shares her story

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone celebrating! In recognition of this special day, we sat down with our CEO, Julie, to hear about her relationship with her daughter, Saime, who is registered blind.

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Mother’s Day: our CEO shares her story

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A young boy with short ginger hair and red glasses expresses joy as he holds a tall glass of chocolate milkshake with whipped cream and a cookie. To the right, a woman with long, curly brown hair and a black and grey striped sweater smiles back at him while holding a yellow cocktail in a stemmed glass. The table is set with silver utensils and a marble surface, and there are decorative plants in the background, contributing to a warm and inviting café atmosphere.

Family Stories January 30, 2025

George and Nicola’s story

George is an energetic and confident eight-year-old boy who lives in a bustling household with his mum, Nicola, his dad, and his baby brother Ted. It’s a home that’s filled with love and resilience as the family faces the challenges and celebrates the triumphs that vision impairment brings. 

The picture features five young individuals walking on a textured cobblestone pathway with a brick and stone backdrop. Two of them are positioned on the right, while three occupy the left. On the centre right is a young man using a white cane. He has short brown hair and is dressed in a blue jacket and jeans. He links arms with a curly ginger-haired young woman wearing all denim. On the centre left stands a young woman in a green shirt and jeans holding a football, a young man holding a binder and another young woman wearing a pink shirt. They are all smiling and looking at the young man with the cane as if he had just said a joke, creating a dynamic composition. The lighting is bright, suggesting it's a sunny day, adding a lively atmosphere to the scene.

Education January 27, 2025

Preparing for uni: student finance and DSA

Mark Wright, RSBC’s Futures Coordinator, talks about how you can make sure your finances are up and running before you head off to university.

A small boy, on the stage of The Snowman, exploring the set. He's standing in front of an over-sized pink dressing table. Next to him is a staff member from the theatre, talking him through the set and props.

For Families January 13, 2025

Our adventure with The Snowman

In December we were invited to audio-described performance of ‘The Snowman’ at the Sadlers Wells, Peacock Theatre, along with a touch tour of the set, props and costumes.

Patrick, a light skinned man white grey/white hair and Julie, a light skinned woman with long brown hair standing and smiling next to each other with a RSBC photo frame around them

For Families January 9, 2025

Here’s to 2025: a year of hope and possibility

As the new year dawns, many of us will find ourselves reflecting on what we’ve accomplished so far, and what the future holds. As RSBC’s CEO, it’s certainly something that I’ve been doing in recent days. As I look ahead to the next 12 months, I feel so much hope for what this tremendous organisation […]

Family holiday activity. Top view of mother's and kid's hands making Christmas tree cookies on wooden table background.

Accessibility December 10, 2024

How to make Christmas accessible for blind and partially sighted children

There’s no more special time of year for children – whether they’re five or 50! – than Christmas. It’s a time when there’s magic everywhere, and it’s filled with colour and sparkle. But how can you make sure that children with vision impairment (VI) are able to enjoy the fun and laughter that’s part and […]

A group of young people stand in front of a wooden climbing frame.

RSBC Stories November 19, 2024

Boys Crew: why International Men’s Day matters

Each November 19th, the UK celebrates International Men’s Day. It’s not just about celebrating the contribution that men and boys make to our society – this special day also focuses on making a positive difference to their well-being and lives, raises awareness the support available to them, and promotes meaningful conversations about men, manhood and […]

Headshot of Narayan Iyer, an RSBC Trustee. Narayan is a dark-skinned man with short dark-grey hair. He is wearing a white shirt with a black blazer. Narayan is standing in front of a wall of green foliage, smiling brightly at the camera.

Latest News November 7, 2024

Narayan’s story

RSBC’s trustees have shared responsibility for governing our charity, and Narayan’s been a trustee since September 2024. We caught up with him to find out why he’d decided to take this step, and just what being a trustee involves.

Callum, a light skinned man with dark hair, wearing a grey long sleeved shirt with black buttons. He is standing behind a podium lecture desk, with a microphone attached to the top of the desk. Callum is standing in front of a white banner with RSBC written in large orange text, and Royal Society for Blind Children written in small text underneath, there is a thin orange line underneath this text. Underneath the orange line Dorton College is written in black medium sized text. In the bottom left hand corner there is a yellow shape similar to two halves of a flower petal.

Latest News November 4, 2024

Callum’s Story

Callum’s been a trustee with RSBC since May 2021. He’s also the Chair of Governors of RSBC’s Dorton College, a specialist further education college for vision impaired young people aged 16-25.  We spoke to Callum about what’s involved in being a trustee, why he does it, and what to consider if you’re thinking about becoming […]

Snapshot of a Dorton College activity. A young VI light-skinned man wearing a black t-shirt, black shorts and black & white trainers is in the centre of the picture. He is having fun kicking a football. Other Dorton College students are sat in the background behind him. On the left side of the picture is a Dorton College Staff member lady smiling and holding a football under her left arm. She is wearing a white t-shirt, a black and white pattern midi-skirt and black & White Nike Dunks. On the right stands Atrix, Dorton College's Learning Support Advisor holding a cane and looking at the young man. They are wearing an oversized bright orange RSBC t-shirt, skinny jeans and brown low Dr Martins shoes.

Latest News October 25, 2024

Atrix’s story

Originally from the USA, Atrix (pictured above right) has a background in theatre. They’ve directed productions in New York and London, and taught modern dance and choreography to young children and teenagers. They moved to the UK in 2019 to take their Masters degree.