DLA: (Disability Living Allowance)

Disability Living Allowance (DLA)


What is Disability Living Allowance (DLA)?

DLA  is a benefit to help with the extra costs of looking after a child who has a disability or health condition. You can only make a new claim for DLA on behalf of a child under 16. Disability Living Allowance for children in a tax-free made up of a care and mobility components. A child might qualify for one of both components. DLA is not means tested, so it does not matter how much you earn or how much savings you have.


What will my child get?

If your child is eligible for DLA, they will get between £23.60 and £151.40 a week depending on the level of support they need. These amounts were correct in April 2020. For up-to-date information about the rates of DLA visit disability living allowance children rates.


Will my child get DLA?

Your child may be eligible for DLA if their visual impairment or any other disability or health condition means:

They need substantially more looking after than a child of the same age who does not have a disability and/or from the age of 3

  • They have difficulty walking or getting around outdoors in unfamiliar places, compared to a child of the same age who is not disabled.

They must have had these difficulties for at least 3 months and expect them to last for at least 6 months.

If your child gets the middle or higher care rate of DLA and you care for them for 35 hours a week or more, you may be able to get Carer’s Allowance


How do I claim DLA?

You can either phone for an application pack or download one

It is best to phone because your payments will be backdated to the date you phoned. If you download an application form, you will only be paid from the date the DWP receives the form.

Disability Living Allowance Helpline: 0800 121 4523

You can download an application pack from GOV.UK .


Getting Support from RSBC Advice Service

Filling in the DLA form can be difficult for a parent, but do not be put off.

If you need support in completing the application form call RSBC Advice Service 020 3198 0225 or email connections@rsbc.org.uk


RSBC Advice Service November 2020

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