Making your activities inclusive
Join our free Making Your Activities Inclusive training (formerly Capacity Building Training).
Training for professionals
Join our free Making Your Activities Inclusive training to find out how you can ensure your organisation is inclusive and welcoming to blind and partially sighted children and young people. You might be a sports club, youth club, after school club, library, museum, Scout or Guide group, or any other organisation that provides activities for children and young people.
This free, interactive online course will help you gain the practical knowledge and confidence you need to be able to include children and young people with vision impairments in your activities, whether they’re held in person or virtually.
Working together, we can promote equality, inclusion and diversity, so that these children and young people can access all types of youth services in England and Wales. It’ll really help challenge discriminatory attitudes and behaviours within society and have a very positive impact on them. Through this 2½ hour training session, we’re building on a commitment to support and develop the youth work profession through upskilling, to help them be more inclusive.
If you’re a parent, carer or young person looking for inclusive activities, then please see our accredited activity providers here.
Aiming higher for children and young people
This training is a free interactive, online, 2½ hour course where you’ll gain the practical knowledge and confidence to be able to include blind and partially sighted children and young people in your services, whether in-person or virtually. This includes local youth clubs, activities, sports sessions, and any other provision that welcomes children and young people.
We’d like to work together with you to promote equality, inclusion and diversity so that blind and partially sighted children can access the same activities as their sighted peers. There are generally very few specialist clubs and activities that these children can access locally, so being able to come along to your provision will truly be a game changer for them.
This training will help to upskill you, your team and volunteers, and build on your organisation’s commitment to equality and inclusion.
- You’ll learn about common eye conditions, and their impact on the person.
- You’ll also receive practical guidance relating to how to adapt activities and make your sessions inclusive for young people with vision impairment. This will help you to create inclusive activities that everyone attending your provision can enjoy.
- Taking part in this training will give you the opportunity to achieve the RSBC ‘VI friendly and accessible activity provider’ kitemark. Your trainer will let you know more about how to achieve this, and they’ll be able to share the news that you are now inclusive for blind and partially sighted children and young people. This will also be featured on our website, so children and families will know where to find you! There’s more about our kitemark here.
This course is for anyone delivering services for children and young people. You might be a youth worker, volunteer, a young person, or anyone with a role working directly with children and young people.
If you’re a volunteer or have limited time, we also offer free video training of less than 40 minutes to accommodate your availability. The video training provides the essential information you need to start making your activities more inclusive, and offers a good foundation for building an inclusive plan. You can find out more and sign-up for the video training here.
Our funders and partners
The Eye Connect Cymru project is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund Wales
RSBC are delighted to be working in partnership with several organisations.
In England:
National Network of Regional Youth Units
In Wales:
Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services Council
In London: