RSBC Unseen Podcast – Audiobook Club – Episode 1 – Lil’ Muffin Drops the Mic

Three inset images in circles over a black background. 1) A colourful book cover 2) A young adult male 3) A young adult female. The text on the banner reads "Audio book club special - Lil muffin drops the mic, (episode 1)

Welcome to the RSBC Audio Book Club Podcast Special – ‘Lil Muffin Drops the Mike’.

In this podcast episode we dive deep into the book by talking about James, the main character’s story. He loves baking and has discovered a newfound love for rap; therefore, we explore how he balances both!

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An illustration in blue and orange of a micro and 2 pages.Transcript


I’m joined today by my co host, Bilal. Hey Bilal. So awesome to have you here he’s also a member of our youth forum and he’s come along today to help me ask our amazing audio book club members some questions. And we’ve also got Inez, who’s our community support worker who runs the group. Inez, how you doing?

Inez 0:24
Hi I’m doing okay

Juliette 0:28
Awesome. So can you tell us a bit about the audio book club?,

Inez 0:33
The audio book club is an amazing, amazing activity that we hold every Monday and Thursday between five to 6pm. With amazing young people, it’s a place where in the comfort of your own space, we’re able to listen to books together and have very, very, very enjoyable discussions as well. And usually we hold very exciting nominations. So you’re able to put a book of your choice forward. And if the votes play out, your book might be the book that we read next, and it’s open from all children between the ages of eight to 25 years, so.

Isabella 1:12
Hi I’m Isabella , I’m 11 years old, and I have a phone. And I really like pokemon.

Juliette 1:27
Did you say you’ve got Jigglypuff with you? Awesome. And then I’m gonna go to Freddie. Oh, hello.

Freddy 1:37
I’m Freddy. I’m 10 years old. And I like audio book club and drumming and dancing.

Juliette 1:46
oh nice. What’s your favourite kind of dance to do?

Freddy 1:49
Tap dancing. Basically, you put tap shoes on and you move your feet around. It’s quite nice. Quite fun.

Juliette 2:02
Amazing, Freddy. You’re a drummer and a tap dancer. You must have an incredible sense of rhythm.

Freddy 2:07

Juliette 2:10
We’re gonna go to Paris.

Paris 2:14
Hello everyone. My name is Paris. And one of my favourite hobby is cooking. I also like to do a lot of sleeping as well. Getting in some good rest.

Juliette 2:29
What’s your favourite thing to cook?

Paris 2:32
Um, my favourite thing to cook is chicken biryani. It’s very tasty and spicy.

Juliette 2:38
Oh, very nice. We’re gonna go to Furkan

Furkan 2:45
Hello, my name is Furkan and I’m 26 I like audio book clubs. Spending time with friends and family. Eating food.

Juliette 2:56
Amazing and what’s your favourite food furkan. It’s hard to choose isn’t

Furkan 3:01
It’s difficult because I eat Turkish and English food .

Juliette 3:07
Nice. Um, have I missed anyone? Camille? Camille, sorry Camille. Hi Camille, you want to introduce yourself?

Camille 3:17
Well, my name is Camille. I am 23 years old and I love to listen to books

Juliette 3:38
And you. You’ve written some books as well, haven’t you Camille?

Camille 3:41
Yes I have indeed . And I’m hoping to write more and more else but I have two out at the moment. One on Amazon one. just by itself. Called friends. and they’re aimed children for children two to five years old

Freddy 4:06
friends. By.

Camille 4:10
It’s on. It’s on Kindle. It’s an audio book

Juliette 4:14
Amazing. Okay, so, Inez what book are we going to be talking about today?

Inez 4:19
Well, today we’re gonna be talking about a book called little muffin drops the mic by Ramesh Raghunathan.

Juliette 4:29
Amazing. And does anybody want to tell us a little bit about the author himself?

Isabella 4:35
Well, all four walls a Famous television person.

Juliette 4:42
Oh, that’s great. What did he do on television?

Freddy 4:45
He was a comedian and he presents a game show.

Juliette 4:51
Very nice. And Freddy, do you want to tell us a little bit about the plot of the book.

Freddy 4:56
Little muffin drops the mic is a story that follows a young boy called James Pereira. And he really likes baking. And he discovers rapping from a rap battle that he sees in his playground at school. So he listens to lots of raps. And a famous rapper, called Brocker. is holding a some auditions for young children to help him with ideas for his new song. James enters the contest and wins despite the efforts of his bully, Alfie Adams to stop him winning after that, the games find out that brokers manager is actually his dad who was split up from his family.

Bilal 5:53
So what’s the genre of the book?

Isabella 5:55
A comedy and a musical

Very interesting those things. Very good.

Juliette 6:04
Allow if you had to choose between comedy and music, what would you pick? Oh,

Bilal 6:09
that’s a tough one. Because I love both very tough one. I would probably say music. Music is definitely what’s interesting. What about you, Juliet

Juliette 6:19
Definitely comedy for me. But you’re you’re great on guitar and I can’t play anything. So what do you play

Isabella 6:33
I play ukulele keyboard. A electric guitar.

Bilal 6:40
Oh, nice. Okay.

Juliette 6:42
You and Bilal. should form a band.

Freddy 6:45
Yeah i play drums so we could

Juliette 6:49
Audi book band!

Bilal 6:53
Hundred percent

Juliette 6:57
Inez if you had to choose between music and comedy, what would you choose?

Inez 7:00
Comedy for me

Freddy 7:02
Music for me.

Inez 7:03
Oh really see I like a good laugh.

Juliette 7:07
Nice, I think Bilal. You’ve got some more questions about the book haven’t you

Bilal 7:11
Indeed I do. So first question. Just to throw out there. So who was your favourite character? Everyone.

Paris 7:25
My favourite character was rocker. Because I felt like that he was a very good supporting person to James and his mom was a lot more better than his dad.

Bilal 7:44
Interesting take there

Isabella 7:46
My favourite character is James because he started rapping and he put cake into his raps

Juliette 8:00
Oh, so he raps about baking. That’s nice. But I think that would make me feel hungry if I had to listen to songs about baking. Oh, amazing. Camille. Oh, do you have a favourite character from this book?

Camille 8:14
It’s hard to choose a favourite but I do but I do enjoy them all. It’s making me hungry as we speak

Freddy 8:14
My favourite character was James’s pet rabbit. Graham. Very he’s very heavy and big And he has. He’s just quite funny to be honest.

Bilal 8:43
Right, so Yeah, lovely groups of characters that are your favourites, They’re very good. So what was your favourite part of the actual audio book itself?

Paris 8:54
My favourite parts of the book was when James made a Pikachu cakr

Bilal 9:01
Go to love Pikachu definitely one of my favourite pokemons one hundred percent

Juliette 9:07
it must have been weird eating Pikachu though.

Paris 9:11
Oh, and I also like the bit when James was given free musical equipment from Brocker.

Juliette 9:18
Oh, that’s nice. Yeah.

Freddy 9:22
My favourite part was the rap competition at the end because lots of music and it was quite exciting.

Juliette 9:33
Nice. Isabella, do you have a favourite bit?

Isabella 9:39
Like it one where they made a Pikachu cake

Juliette 9:43
ah very poular pikachu cake huh. Inez did you have a favourite bit?

Inez 9:49
I think I’d have to agree with Freddy. I loved the last performances. I think it was very, very musical towards the end. And the little raps were really, really fun.

Bilal 10:03
Very good. All right. Very good there. Um, next question. How did the audio book itself make you feel? Anybody?

Paris 10:15
Hungry? Because James was always talking about cakes and making the new one every week.

Juliette 10:26
It’s like when you watch Great British Bake Off, and you’re like, This is so delicious. I want to eat all of it

Speaker 1 10:31
Yeah. Is it better to say hungry as well? Yeah, what about your Freddy?

Freddy 10:41
um, I’d say it probably made me feel hungry. Not too hungry. It was quite funny as well. Yeah.

Bilal 10:54
What about you Inez?

Inez 10:55
I think it made me feel really happy. I think like points within the books were quite funny. Like I said, the wraps as well. And like, also, I think seeing James pursue his passions, was also really, really inspiring. So I think it made me feel happy. And

Juliette 11:13
did they get a little bit sad when he found out like, the one of the guys was his dad that had kind of ditched them.

Freddy 11:23
A little bit

Juliette 11:25
But did have like a bit more of a cheerful ending? Yeah.

Freddy 11:28
Yeah it did still have a cheerful ending.

Juliette 11:30
That’s great.

Freddy 11:32
He was a bit shocked, but not really like, ‘oh you left us oh no’

Juliette 11:41
That’s cool. And how did you guys feel about listening to it in audiobook format, versus reading it as a normal book?

Isabella 11:50
I like it better because I just kind of struggle with reading books. So I like audio books more where you don’t have to read the book you can just listen to it

Juliette 12:08
Yeah you can kick back with Jigglypuff. And just listen.

Paris 12:15
Yeah, listening is better than reading. But you still have to pay attention.

Juliette 12:25
Freddy, what do you think?

Freddy 12:28
Yeah, I think audio is definitley better than reading because normally, the if you’re reading a book, they’re normally quite small print. And also with the audio books, you could be doing something else while doing it. Like you could be doing a run or you could be gardening. So it gives you the freedom to do something else while doing it. Instead of just knowing how to hold it with two hands. If you’re reading a book but you can o something else while doing it. It’s just nicer.

Juliette 13:07
I like to cook while I listen to book sometimes. So it means that I get a nice dinner but also a good story.

Paris 13:14
Oh, that’s clever.

Juliette 13:16
Yeah I recommend it Inez how do you feel about audiobooks? I guess as somebody who can kind of see okay to read a normal book, do you? How do you feel about reading audiobooks?

Inez 13:26
I think I enjoy audiobooks because it allows you to, like sit back and actually think about what you’re reading, if that makes sense. Because I think sometimes when you’re reading normally, you can get distracted, you know, like, it’s not as focused on time. Well, for me anyway, I do struggle. So having audiobooks makes it just so much more easier. And like Freddie said, you can multitask as well while you’re listening. Like, it’s just really, really useful. And I think in particular with audio book club, the discussions that we have around it as well and like, you know, everyone’s excited and the shared love for the book makes it more fun and exciting.

Juliette 14:08
It’s like a verbal hug

Inez 14:12
Agreed. Yeah.

Juliette 14:16
Amazing. I think we might be on our final question, Bilal

Bilal 14:20
The final two actually. So this is kind of like more of a general question. So like, would you recommend audiobooks and like, audio book club, like to other people as well? Anyone?

Paris 14:37
I would you listen to audiobooks, give your eyes a break. And then also recommend you come to the audio book club becasue you get to take a break and socialise.

Freddy 14:49
I agree. Definitely. With Paris. It’s nice to like, have a break and you can socialise you can make friends, friends and audio book club. It’s quite nice because you can just chill. And there’s a nice community there. No one’s like mean to each other. Definitely suggest audio books for the same reasons I’ve said before. It’s nice because you can multitask. It’s just way nicer than having to flip page flip page. Can you just it’s it’s quite soothing hearing someone read to you. Yeah,

Juliette 15:27
totally. Inez what were you gonna say?

Inez 15:31
I was just gonna get I’d like what Freddy was saying, I remembered as well why I like audiobooks as well. I think it helps with like pronunciations, because sometimes I might read the word but I’m not necessarily sure how to pronounce it. So then when you hear someone read it, it’s like, Oh, okay. That’s how it’s supposed to be said. I think that usually helps with my vocabulary.

Juliette 15:50
When my mum read me, Harry Potter when I was little for years, she called him Hey, grid, not Hagrid. And then when the film came out, we were like, Oh my gosh. Awesome. And so would you guys recommend little muffin drops the mic to anybody?

Paris 16:13
Ye s i would it’s a fun book.

Juliette 16:18
Awesome. And so if you have to give it a rating out of 5. One to five. Five is amazing.

Isabella 16:24

Juliette 16:25
Ten out of five is amazing

Paris 16:28

Furkan 16:33
it five. Nice, but I would like to offer to make more books. Okay,

Juliette 16:40
hey, maybe

Freddy 16:43
that’ll be nice.

Juliette 16:44
Maybe Ramesh will listen to this podcast. And then we’ll he’ll write some more books. Hi, Ramesh. Listen to our podcast.That would be amazing. So yeah, all round a really popular book.

Furkan 17:01
I liked the James I think it’s called the main character. My favourite part was when he got when he got picked to win the competition. That end and nice.

Juliette 17:17
I think a lot of people liked that bit as well. Yeah.

Furkan 17:21
I just liked listening to books. I don’t. I kind of struggle with. I read Braille books and I sometimes struggle reading braille books. And, and when I heard about audible, I started using it. I think a nurse told me about it. That’s

Juliette 17:40
really great. Do you read more now because of it?

Furkan 17:45
I listen to more books. Yeah.

Juliette 17:47
amazing Furkan Thank you. You answered I think all of our questions are so awesome.Inez did I forget anything else? Um,

Inez 18:00
no. I think that was amazing.

Bilal 18:03
Thank you very, very much everyone for listening with us on this comedic journey of self discovery through a review of spoken word. I have been your host, and also representing my co host, Julliet. Thank you so much Julliet again. Thank you. Amazing

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