Preparing for uni: student finance and DSA

Mark Wright, RSBC’s Futures Coordinator, talks about how you can make sure your finances are up and running before you head off to university.
Mark says:
If you’re planning to go to uni this year, you’ve probably already begun to receive offers through UCAS (but if you haven’t yet, don’t panic – there’s still plenty of time!) You’ve got a few weeks of breathing space now until the next major stage of the process: applying for student finance.
Student Finance England and Wales applications are open from March, so now’s the time to start thinking about what you’re going to need. As well as your Student Loan, there’s the Maintenance Loan to apply for and, as a student with a vision impairment – and maybe other disabilities – you’ll also want to apply for the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA).
It’s never to early to start planning
One of the key things that current and former undergraduates tell me is that it’s especially important to get your DSA application in as early as you can. It can take quite a while for everything to be agreed and processed, so that the support you need is in place for Freshers’ Week. And the more support you need, the longer the process can take.
Think about everything you might need
You’re going to need some tech, right? A laptop, or screen reader software, maybe? A braille device? What about study and library support – a note taker or scribe?
Bear in mind the stuff we can take for granted, too. How are you going to get around campus, or travel to and from your university? If you’re moving away from home and into student accommodation, there’s a whole lot to consider before you go.
What barriers might there be?
Disabled Students UK produces an annual report on barriers to inclusion, and the latest makes for interesting – if a bit concerning – reading.
OK, let’s start with the good stuff…! Overall, students reported that they:
- Feel more knowledgeable about support
- Find the evidence needed to get support is less demanding than before
- Are more likely to have the issues they raise resolved
However, from the 1,200 plus disabled students at 80 different organisations whose responses were featured in the report:
- Only 21% of respondents felt that their courses had been designed with accessibility as a consideration
- 40% felt that university staff outside of specialist disability teams understood their legal responsibility to make reasonable adjustments
- Of the students whose support plans had been agreed, only 39% reported that it had been put in place.
You can find the full report here.
Our Futures service is here to help!
To help you navigate the process and be as prepared as possible in applying and advocating for your support needs, our Futures team is running two online events. We’d love you to join us.
On 19th March, we have a session on Student Finance and DSA, where we’ll answer your questions and walk you through the process. We’ll also have VI students on hand to share hints and advice from their own experience. You can register for the session here.
Then, on 9th April, we’ll be holding a Freshers event – a chance for you to meet other students who’ll be starting this year. It’s a fantastic way to make connections, build a network and again, share ideas and experiences. Register here.
Remember, RSBC’s Futures team is always on hand for advice, guidance and support. So please, get in touch – and good luck!