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Volunteering for RSBC – and how it can improve your wellbeing

Volunteering for RSBC – and how it can improve your wellbeing
Latest News

April 16, 2024

Thinking of volunteering? There are even more reasons to take that step, thanks to a recent study of nearly 29,000 people who volunteer!

That’s because it found that four out of five believed their wellbeing has improved as a result.

Shaping the Future with Volunteering’s research* is backed up by our volunteers at RSBC, who find that giving back in such a practical way enriches their lives and is key to their mental and physical health.

RSBC honoured the people who volunteer for the charity on January 25th with a party in the atrium at its Life Without Limits Centre (LWLC), a vibrant and lively space which was the perfect venue to celebrate the accomplishments of our volunteers over the past year and pave the way for more activity in 2024.

Certificates were presented and goody bags given out to our dedicated volunteers to thank them for their exceptional commitment and contributions. It was an occasion filled with fun and appreciation, and also a time for our volunteers to reflect on the reasons why they do what they do.

Volunteer Mark, who has been helping RSBC since 2013, couldn’t agree more with the study’s findings regarding volunteering’s positive effects on his life.

He says,

I’ll help out wherever I’m needed, but I often take part in the activities and sports, which I love – I’ve done things like football, cycling, swimming and rock climbing with the young people RSBC supports. I get so much out of it. I enjoy meeting the young people and providing just enough support to give them a bit of confidence. I’d say to anyone thinking about volunteering at RSBC to definitely go for it – it’s a really friendly charity and really supportive towards volunteers. There’s lots of training, lots of feedback, and lots of communication.

Silvia Vergara, Volunteer Coordinator for RSBC, said,

At RSBC, we’ve seen that volunteering doesn’t just enrich our charity, but also the lives of our volunteers. Each person brings us something unique, because they have such diverse life experiences and that fosters collaboration and shared learning. But at the same time, those who volunteer for us learn new skills – anything from improved communication to problem-solving – and they tell us that this enhances their personal and their professional lives.” Volunteering’s impact extends beyond immediate support, allowing efficient resource allocation to amplify our services. In the end, volunteers not only give back but also gain fulfilment, purpose, and a deeper connection to others. We’re immensely grateful for their invaluable contributions to RSBC.

If you’d like to find out more about volunteering opportunities, check out our website at: or contact

*Source: Third Sector, 24 January 2024, Andy Ricketts


Four in five volunteers believe it improves their wellbeing, major study finds | Third Sector

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