What our young poets have to say this World Poetry Day

What our young poets have to say this World Poetry Day
Latest News RSBC Stories

March 20, 2025

Sharing their stories through poetry

We were delighted to host two workshop sessions with renowned poet Dave Steele recently, and they certainly fired up the imaginations of the young people who attended! We’re pleased to be able to showcase the incredible talent that came out of the workshops in the beautiful poems written by those attending below. 


These days it’s not uncommon, 

For many to believe, 

But with a disability 

You simply can’t achieve. 

Even when I was young 

I knew what they often say 

And the shallow words of pity 

That were tossed my way. 

“It’s simply naive!“ They’d say 

“It’s just impossible. 

To get more than a failing grade.” 

But I would show them all. 

“Being blind and educated? 

“That simply can’t be true. 

And independent as well as that!? 

You must’ve gone cuckoo.” 

Society is inaccessible,  

So no it’s not easy. 

But with some perseverance 

Success is possible for those like me. 

And to all the teachers and others. 

Who didn’t believe success I could find 

I’ve shown and will show them all. 

That you can if you are blind. 



I fight challenges every day  

The biggest one I ever faced 

Was finding out life can be grey  

I have fortunately been helped  

Thanks to many I understood  

How much I could achieve  

Surrounded by love and good 

And all the support I receive 

It has made a huge difference  

Towards my independence!   



Disabilities are special. 

They give us superpowers. 

It doesn’t mean we can fly 

or grow marshmallow flowers. 


It means we are unique. 

It means we are wonderful. 

The haters don’t understand 

that disabilities are very beautiful. 


Disabilities don’t make us mean. 

Disabilities don’t make us cruel. 

The haters may not know it, 

but in our own way we are cool. 


Everyone is different. 

Everyone is fun. 

And if you are disabled out there, 

you’re not the only one. 


Nailah: The Game  

Right here right now 

Here we go again 

Beyond the four walls 

In a crowd but in the clouds 


My head is full 

Where am I? 

People moving 

People shouting 


I never feel understood 

My eyes can’t cope 

I see a ball 

I run 


Blindfolded up 

Clouds gone 

Crowds gone 

I feel understood 


Football’s all I want 

The one thing that’s saved me 

My eyes aren’t needed 

The sound of the ball is all I need 

No crowds, no clouds—just me and the game 

No fear, no doubt—just let me be free.


If you’re a VI creative and want to get inspired, join our trip to the Roundhouse Poetry Slam Final! Find out more and sign up here: Roundhouse Poetry Slam Final · Luma

If you’d like to learn more about Dave Steele and his work, head to his website here: Home | The Blind Poet